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 Murrumbateman Moving Feast

Saturday & Sunday, 5 & 6 October 2024, 11am - 4:30pm

Spend your weekend roving from maker to maker, indulging in delicious food and wine and taking in the beautiful countryside along the way.

Come and tuck into our Yarrh Cassoulet*:

  • Confit duck
  • Toulouse sausage
  • Slow cooked haricot beans
  • green bean salad
  • sourdough bread
  • matched with a glass of our Mr Natural Shiraz
Vegetarian* option – Timbale of eggplant, parmesan and tomato, with green bean salad and sourdough bread.
*Gluten Free.

    Cost is $30, which includes a glass of wine.  
    Meal will be available from 11-4pm.

    Bookings are not required (but you can if you wish!)

    To make an enquiry please ring 6227 1474 (Friday-Sunday 11-4:30pm) or email us 

    Here is the full menu for the Murrumbateman Moving Feast.


    DIY Event

    Our venue is not available for event hire, but you are welcome to bring a picnic, family and friends at any time during opening hours.  We have a great little lawn for kids, and can supply tables and chairs.  Wine, juice, soft drink and water available by the glass or bottle at cellar door prices.  No BYO alcohol.  Please let us know you're coming.  Groups are limited to 10.  We'd be happy to incorporate a wine tasting and vineyard/winery tour, subject to staff availability.


    DowntheCoast@Yarrh Lunch - Sunday 31 December 2023, 12:30-3pm

    Why waste time travelling to the coast when you can go out for a relaxing drive in the country to Yarrh for some freshly cooked fish and chips as well as prawns and an ice cream!  A great, relaxed, way to entertain some festive season guests?  Or how about SAY GOODBYE TO 2023?

    Two course lunch is $45/head including accompanying wines:
    • Australian Prawns w/ Lemon
    • Beer Battered Fish and Chips

    Vegetarian and gluten free available - please advise when booking.

    Bookings essential - ring 6227 1474 (Fri-Sun 11-4:30pm) or email us

    20% discount off the table's bill for Yarrh Wine Club members.

    If its raining we will be in the cellar, pretending it's a tent.



    "Almost" Winter Solstice Bonfire - Saturday 18 May 2024, 3:30-7pm

    This has now become our signature annual event, and a fund raiser for our local bushfire brigade – Yass River Nanima.  We are doing it a little earlier this year as circumstances prevent us holding it in June!

    Come and help us celebrate the shortest day of the year, a little early, at our 17th annual Winter Solstice Bonfire. 

    Pull on your woollies, laugh at the cold, enjoy some delicious canapes and a glass or two of fine Canberra District wines while toasting yourself by the bonfire.

    We start with a tasting of rare and aged wines.  Limited quantities will be available for sale, only on the day.

    The run sheet:

    • 3:30pm - back vintage tasting and sales
    • Sundown - 7pm Canapes, wine (first glass complimentary) and bonfire
    • Tickets are $40/adult, $20/kids 15 and over, free otherwise.  (Wine club members get 2 complimentary tickets.)
    • Bookings and payment in advance essential

    Once again 50% of proceeds (ticket and wine sales) will be donated to the Yass River Nanima Bush Fire Brigade to help them protect our community - so buy up big!

    To Book ring 6227 1474 Friday to Sunday 11am -4:30pm or email us